全球有超过1.2 亿活跃用户在不同设备上使用 Opera 上网,Opera 也一直致力于将不断创新的成果带给所有用户。 Opera 10集成了最新的 HTML5 技术: 地理定位、WebM 视频、离线应用、Web Workers 等等。此外,目 前流行的基准测试表明 Opera 比之前的版本还要快 50%,让您轻松浏览重度 Javascript 页面。Opera还内置了 AVG 提供的反钓鱼技术,远离网络威胁,抵御潜在风险。
Changes in in Opera 10.70 Build 3468 Development Snapshot:
* DSK-180617 (Links from external applications close page if page is opened from a panel or mail)
* DSK-300470 (Posix crash on page load)
* DSK-306032 (Impossible to maximize widget in application mode)
* Fixed a few non-reproducible crashes
* Fixed a few WebStorage crashes
* CORE-1930 (Selection.selectAllChildren not implemented)
* CORE-15358 (Add OnAboutToLoadUrl())
* CORE-19329 (Support CSS3 object-fit and object-position)
* CORE-22402 (EcmaScript debugger improvements)
* CORE-27275 (SVG Optimizations)
* CORE-29727 (Add HTML5 HashChangeEvent)
* CORE-8204 (Remove IE Compatibility: document.getElementsByName doesn't distinguish between id and name attributes)
* CORE-12667 (Need to add incorrectly issued "Microsoft" object signing certificates to online repository)
* CORE-13803 (doDataURL() with non-primary and non-solid colours)
* CORE-18808 ("v" shortcut in Google Reader opens about:blank (ignores same thread that opened popup setting location))
* CORE-19618 (Fix for CORE-18808, failure to load page in newly opened popup)
* CORE-22043 (Unable to load page's own URL into (i)frame)
* CORE-22489 (Add operaunite.com to pubsuffix list)
* CORE-23432 (Added phrase flags to search and highlighting)
* CORE-24101 (Fix for Ctrl+End which didn't move the caret anywhere on Google Docs)
* CORE-25558 (Referrer of XMLHttpRequest response is wrong when request is initiated in a call from another frame)
* CORE-26183 (Memory fix for changing offline mode to online)
* CORE-27256 (Random-ish crash in YUI test suite)
* CORE-27917 (Crash when deleting a paragraph with an image)
* CORE-28221 (Crash when browsing with cached images)
* CORE-28346 (setTimeout(function, Infinity) should be handled as 0)
* CORE-28745 (hashchange event fires incorrectly when stepping back and forward through pages in DOM cache)
* CORE-28890 (Correct behavior for getComputedStyle of 'object-fit: auto')
* CORE-28941 (Underline text-decoration doesn't seem to be filtered if the text is rendered with an SVGFont)
* CORE-29227 (Div with content:-o-skin("
* CORE-29284 (Frozen UI and Flash not loaded when clicking link in Flash and going back)
* CORE-29410 (Opera crashes on SVG images that include CSS stylesheets via @import)
* CORE-29579 (Error.{stack,stacktrace} are identical)
* CORE-29806 (Defining "href" getter on a Location object should throw TypeError)
* CORE-29905 (Array.prototype.join.call(arguments) with a single argument "a" !== "a")
* CORE-29919 (Need to run setTimeout < 10 ms in correct order)
* CORE-29922 (Error.stack/stacktrace should be writable)
* CORE-30096 (Non-enumarable properties are not returned)
* CORE-30130 (Redeclaring Event object does not reflect within other scopes)
* CORE-30168 (Carakan doesn't properly terminate strings to identifiers in some cases)
* CORE-30523 (Blocked URL should display error page, like when host is not found)
* CORE-30690 (Setting onload property of XMLHttpRequest blocks document memory from being garbage collected)
* CORE-31426 (Widgets don't have access to network after restart)
* CORE-31482 (UPnP memory issue with IPv6 and non-local addresses)
* DSK-306226 (Crash when launching browser after upgrade)
WARNING: This is a development snapshot of Opera. It is released for testing purposes, and there may be serious bugs and unfinished features.
下载:Opera 10.70 Build 3468 Development Snapshot