业内新闻 > Python 2.6.6 rc1 发布

Python 2.6.6 RC1 是Python 2.6.5 的维护版本,此版本修复了几十个核心问题,内置的模块,库和文档。Python 是一种面向对象直译式计算机程序设计语言,也是一种功能强大而完善的通用型语言,已经具有十多年的发展历史,成熟且稳定。这种语言具有非常简捷而清晰的语法特点,适合完成各种高级任务,几乎可以在所有的操作系统中运行。详细如下:

Python 2.6.6 release candidate 1

This is a release candidate
Python 2.6.6 release candidate 1 is a maintenance release for Python 2.6.5, fixing dozens of issues in the core, builtin modules, libraries, and documentation. Python 2.6.6 release candidate 1 was released on August 4, 2010. This is a release candidate! We encourage you to download and test it, and expect few if any changes between this and the final release, currently scheduled for August 16, 2010.
Python 2.6 is now in bugfix-only mode; no new features are being added. The NEWS file lists every change in each alpha, beta, and release candidate of Python 2.6.

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This is a release candidate; we currently support these formats:
MD5 checksums and sizes of the released files:
c6c3e92a2f58dc3e2e2e0991c9fcf14e 13321471 Python-2.6.6rc1.tgz
376df294ae16e9601da989f8c4d8d432 11084188 Python-2.6.6rc1.tar.bz2
e357f9e0ac1e49caa460cadbb4891d59 15566848 python-2.6.6rc1.amd64.msi
ec38bd07de7fc2d5ca34d4f203805ad0 15367680 python-2.6.6rc1.msi